Group calls for Semi Truck Speed Limiters
June 6, 2019
Road Safe America has recently been advocating and calling for enforcing speed limiters on all medium & heavy-duty trucks in the United States. Road Safe America is a small non-profit group that promotes highway and traffic safety across a large part of the United Sates focusing primarily upon the trucking industry.
“Another day – another 1,000 big-rig crashes. Another 1,000 needless, miles long traffic jams. More hurt and more funerals. When does it end? Why can’t we stop it?”
Direct Quote from
Road Safe America is proposing that all Class 7 & 8 trucks be limited to a speed of 65 m.p.h. They state that upon doing so, traffic jams and truck/car related collision rates will decline. They state that the majority of trucks are already equipped with the necessary equipment to install the speed limiters.
In late 2016, the Department of Transportation proposed a bill that would change the requirements for trucks weighing more that 26,000lbs. Shortly after, when the Trump administration moved into the White House, this bill was halted and the proposal was withdrawn rather quickly.
So what is your thoughts on the situation? Is there any benefit to speed limiters or is it just over regulation? Comment here to let us know!

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